However, it will still create a shortcut in the Start menu under JetBrains. Without the silent configuration file, the installer will ignore all additional options: it will not create desktop shortcuts, add associations, or update the PATH variable. In this case, omit the /CONFIG switch and run the installer as an administrator. It is possible to perform silent installation without the configuration file. You can modify it to enable or disable various installation options as necessary. The default silent configuration file is unique for each JetBrains product. If you want to install CLion for all users, change the value of the installation mode option to mode=admin and run the installer as an administrator. With the default options, silent installation is performed only for the current user: mode=user. The silent configuration file defines the options for installing CLion. You can download the default silent configuration file for CLion at Clion.exe /S /CONFIG=d:\temp\nfig /LOG=d:\JetBrains\CLion\install.log /D=d:\IDE\CLion Silent configuration file