It adds a lot of content and polish that really only matters if you’ve already played X3 to death so if you have it’s worth a shot. you can be self sufficient faction: stations, upgrades, software, ships – it’s all buildable! million more things This was a pretty good free add-on for X3AP and kind of a nice send off for the series. I’m immensely enjoying populating universe map without looking at online version beforehand. Combined with diplomacy, this adds emergent goals of trying to find who sells or has the blueprint for ship you’re coveting, and then figuring out how to get it. Since nothing is out of reach permanently no need for looking up maps or ship comparison on-line – game collects data as you play, and map and ship search and comparison in-game is fantastic.

diplomacy aspect is what makes dynamic reputation a fun game mechanic and not frustration.

Based on who you’re friends with changes the landscape of which sectors are easy to travel and trade in. What’s great about FL? exploration and think aspects are enhanced while some explorable sectors are randomized, game makes sure that nothing unique will be missed, and some discoverables respawn tons and tons of QoL changes dynamic reputation is delightfully asymetric and lore friendly.

AP has, for me, dead ends where you can be friends with everyone, can build some stations but player is definitely not a faction on a level as AI is, and minor factions and corporations aren’t as fleshed out. game systemsįL is the game that feels “complete” – game systems work great with each other. (Almost) Everything from X3: Terran Conflict and X3: Albion Prelude, Exploration tools and explorers guild, Diplomacy and dynamic relations, New drone carrier and armoured transport ships, Player headquarters with new advanced facilities, A unique and very special new ship, Station-building and complex planning services, Ship browser and hyperlinked encyclopedia, New piracy options and gameplay Real sector ownership, Improved logs and graphs, Enhanced modding support, Lots and lots of smaller improvements! X3: Farnham’s Legacy is not compatible with savegames from X3: Terran Conflict or X3: Albion Prelude. X3 Farnham’s Legacy Free Download Repacklab