They do not endorse any specific product or company in the Voluntary participation they are very explicit in stating that The NCCoE publishes notices in the Federal The NCCoE team based on Letters of Interest submitted by Open to the whole world and Technology Collaborators are chosen by * Just a note to the FIDO-DEV list that the NCCoE project was/is Is necessary to help the ecosystem understand the moving parts in It to underscore my point that something along the lines of this Sent in this posting, as it might be viewed as blatant marketing Īpologies in advance to those people*. Some people on the list might be unhappy with the attachment I've I would like to see an overview document/picture of howĪll the pieces fit in for different use-cases and the flow of the While I appreciate your responses, it has only served to confuse Speculation is, unfortunately, not helping. Perhaps we might let Christiaan/Google respond, John? The